Physical education

At ECDS, Physical Education is all about building foundational athletic skills, confidence, and team spirit. Our approach emphasizes endurance, strength, flexibility, balance, and awareness.

Students start with essentials like efficient breathing techniques for running, move on to jump rope exercises for dexterity, and tackle obstacle courses. They build strength on the rings, balance on beams, and practice endurance on the track—with plenty of running! Team games like Capture the Flag add elements of strategy, teamwork, and friendly competition.

In addition to PE classes, we offer organized sports to help students find a sport they love:


Basketball helps students develop teamwork, coordination, and confidence while staying active and having fun.


Soccer at ECDS is a crowd-pleaser in both spring and fall! With plenty of fresh air, fun drills, and exciting games, kids of all skill levels can enjoy kicking up their cleats and making memories.


Soccer at ECDS is a crowd-pleaser in both spring and fall! With plenty of fresh air, fun drills, and exciting games, kids of all skill levels can enjoy kicking up their cleats and making memories.

Track & Field

Track & Field at ECDS welcomes all children from Grades 1 and up to enjoy our beautiful fields.