Field trips are an essential part of learning at ECDS. From the time they are very young, our students become accustomed to the concept of a wider classroom. Kindergarteners head to the YMCA for weekly swimming lessons, the Downtown Cabaret several times a year, and many other destinations.
As they grow, we continue to bring students out into the community for a wide range of hands-on experiences.
The following list is a sampling of our outings:
Audubon Society Nature Facilities
Boston Science Museum
Broadway, NY
Capitol Buildings, Hartford
Discovery Museum
Fairfield beach
Fire Department
Garbage Museum
Gettysburg, PA
Peabody Museum, Newport, RI
Putnam Park, Redding
Washington, DC (Mt. Vernon)
University of Bridgeport, Geology Dept.
Howe Caverns
Manatee Trip (Naples, FL)
Maritime Center, Norwalk
Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, NYC
Mystic Seaport
Natural History Museum, NYC
Radio City Music Hall, NYC
Salem, MA
Silverman’s Farm
Sleepy Hollow, NY
Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA