Community Connections

Awareness of, and involvement in, the local community are critical pieces of a child’s social education. We participate in community life, and we encourage our children to be active community members in Easton and the surrounding towns. By making sure our students regularly experience the satisfaction of helping others, we help them to develop their own sense of responsibility and integrity.

Our most anticipated charity event is our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. During November, our students are encouraged to help the less fortunate by choosing and bringing in Thanksgiving dinner foods for our local charities. Our older students also participate by helping with the delivery of the food, which allows them to witness directly how their actions can benefit others.

Students at ECDS also benefit from our bucolic setting aside Easton’s Town center. Our younger students regularly visit the Town’s Senior Citizen Center, which is located next door. They visit for storytelling, for game events, and to show off their Halloween costumes. As an added benefit, they have an opportunity to sing songs for an appreciative and attentive audience.

We are just across the street from the Town’s lovely library, and we often take mini-Field Trips there in order to participate in its community activities and its many child-centered offerings.

Weather Delays/Cancellations

Note to Parents: weather or emergency delays and closings are always announced by direct email, on TV 3, 8, & 12 and radio stations WICC 660 AM, WEBE 108 FM, & STAR 99.9 FM, as well as on the school closing list of